Centre for Policy on Ageing


Analysing the need for and the patterns of utilisation of residential and nursing home care for elderly people in Birmingham
 — final report
Author(s)Roy Carr-Hill, Gillian Dalley
Corporate AuthorCentre for Health Economics, University of York; Centre for Policy on Ageing - CPA
Pages52 pp
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; Usage [services] ; Grant allocation ; Ethnic groups ; Birmingham.
AnnotationIn 1997, the Centre for Policy of Ageing (CPA) and the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York were commissioned by Birmingham City Council to identify the need for residential and nursing home care for older people, and to allocate the budget equitably to each constituency by ethnic group and to develop a model for the allocation of the Special Transitional Grant (STG) budget accordingly. This report presents the findings from the study. The first part looks at the background to the STG, and examines the variations in rates of admission to homes and in socioeconomic conditions between the constituencies, focusing on the proportions from different ethnic groups among older people. Part two presents a method for allocating the STG equitably to the constituencies. Part three reviews existing knowledge about the determinants of variation in the utilisation of residential and nursing home care, presents findings from a survey of residents on residential and nursing homes, and describes the main variables used in the model for STG allocation. Part four presents the basic results from the analysis of variations in utilisation of residential and nursing home care, and part five focuses on the study of bias. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-981201401 B
ClassmarkKW: LHB: QLD: QCG: TK: 87E

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