Centre for Policy on Ageing


Maintenance of competence in daily living and well-being of the elderly
Author(s)Indira Jai Prakash
Journal titleResearch & Development Journal, vol 4, nos 2/3, June 1998
PublisherHelpAge India, June 1998
Pagespp 26-34
KeywordsSelf care capacity ; Well being ; Social surveys ; India.
AnnotationAn increase in the life expectancy of the population does not necessarily mean that added years are disability free. In India, considerable morbidity is reported in older people. This article reports a study investigating the competence of older people (mean age 67) in activities of daily living (ADLs) in relation to their psychological well-being in rural and urban areas of Bangalore district. It finds that competence is likely to be adversely affected in this cohort as it grows older; and that rural older people and older women will experience more ADL problems with ageing. Account must be taken of such problems, when planning welfare programmes for older people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-981119217 A
ClassmarkCA: D:F:5HH: 3F: 7FA

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