Centre for Policy on Ageing


The greying population in India
 — 1991 Census results
Author(s)M Vijayanunni
Journal titleResearch & Development Journal, vol 3, no 3, June 1997
PublisherHelpAge India, June 1997
Pagespp 3-12
KeywordsAge group distribution statistics ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Census ; India.
Annotation1991 Census data on older people for India is presented for characteristics such as sex ratio, rural-urban distribution, marital status, work status, literacy and education, and dependency ratio. Population projections suggest that the 56 million aged 60+ in 1991 will accelerate not only in numbers, but also in percentage share: from 6.84% in 1991 to 8.94% in 2016. The author concludes that the best way of coping with the looming boom in the older population would be to begin providing services that will keep people healthier and out of hospitals and nursing homes. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-981119208 A
ClassmarkS6: F: S4C: 7FA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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