Centre for Policy on Ageing


Continuing education and equal opportunities for adults with learning difficulties
Corporate AuthorJoseph Rowntree Foundation - JRF
Journal titleFindings, no N18, November 1998
PublisherJoseph Rowntree Foundation, York, November 1998
Pages4 pp
SourceJoseph Rowntree Foundation, The Homestead, 40 Water End, York YO30 6WP.
KeywordsCognitive impairment ; Ethnic groups ; Participation ; Adult Education ; Projects.
AnnotationWidening participation in continuing education to include under-represented groups has recently become a central part of government policy. The project reported in these Findings set out to explore and describe examples of continuing education for particular groups of adults with learning difficulties who tend to miss out, including people who were older, had profound and multiple learning difficulties, or were from black or minority ethnic groups. The research found only isolated examples of continuing education provision for these groups: classes were often vulnerable to cuts. The project ran for 12 months during 1997/98; and CHANGE, a national organisation of disabled people provided consultants with learning difficulties to advise on the work. The project handbook, `All things being equal? a practical guide to widening participation for adults with learning difficulties in continuing education' is published by NIACE. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-981117201 A
ClassmarkE4: TK: TMB: GP: 3E

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