Centre for Policy on Ageing


The nighttime environment and incontinence care practices in nursing homes
Author(s)Patrice A Cruise, John F Schnelle, Cathy A Alessi
Journal titleJournal of the American Geriatrics Society, vol 46, no 2, February 1998
Pagespp 181-186
KeywordsIncontinence ; Sleep behaviour ; Noise ; Nursing homes ; Management [care] ; Correlation ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe variability in noise, light, and incontinence care practices between 10 US nursing homes (NHs) and their association with nighttime sleep were assessed in 225 incontinent NH residents. Measurements of sleep, bed mobility, and environmental noise and light changes were recorded by bedside monitors at consecutive 2 minute intervals for two 10-hour nighttime data collection periods (7pm to 5am). 42% of waking episodes lasting 4 minutes or longer were associated with noise, light, or incontinence care events. 22% of waking episodes of 4 minutes or more were associated with noise alone, 10% with light, or light plus noise, and 10% with incontinence care routines. 76% of all incontinence care practices resulted in awakenings. There was variability between the 10 NHs, with the percentage of waking episodes associated with environmental events (noise, light, or incontinence care events) ranging from 23.6% to 66%. Noise and incidents of incontinence care practices were associated with a substantial amount of sleep disruption in residents in in all 10 NHs, even though this varied. Interventions minimising such environmental events are needed to promote better sleep in incontinent NH residents. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-981117009 A
ClassmarkCTM: CG: RAN: LHB: QA: 49: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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