Centre for Policy on Ageing


Shared age-related influences on cognitive and noncognitive variables
Author(s)Timothy A Salthouse, David Z Hambrick, Katheryn E McGuthry
Journal titlePsychology and Aging, vol 13, no 3, September 1998
Pagespp 486-500
KeywordsCognitive processes ; Memory and Reminiscence ; Reasoning ; Mental speed ; Age groups [elderly] ; United States of America.
AnnotationAnalyses of new data and of previously published data were conducted to examine the degree to which age-related variance was shared across cognitive and non-cognitive variables, and to investigate possible alterations in the composition of a factor common to all variables as a function of age. The findings indicated that measures of visual acuity, grip strength, and blood pressure shared age-related variance with measures of perceptual speed, episodic memory, spatial visualisation, and inductive reasoning. However, although the cognitive variables shared similar amounts of variance in age-restricted and age-partialed analyses, the variance shared between cognitive and non-cognitive variables was substantially reduced after controlling the influence of age. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-981113408 A
ClassmarkDA: DB: DC: DG: BB: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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