Centre for Policy on Ageing


The family and community life of older people: household composition and social networks in three urban areas
Author(s)Chris Phillipson, Miriam Bernard, Judith Phillips, Jim Ogg
Journal titleAgeing and Society, vol 18, part 3, May 1998
Pagespp 259-289
KeywordsFamily relationships ; Living with family ; Multi generational households ; Informal care ; Over 70s ; Asian people ; Longitudinal surveys ; Redbridge ; Tower Hamlets ; Wolverhampton.
AnnotationThe post-war period has witnessed considerable change in England affecting family structures and social relationships both within, and between, the generations. In this paper, the authors report on research which has examined the impact of these changes on the lives of older people in three urban areas Bethnal Green and Woodford in London and Wolverhampton. Using previous community studies carried out in the 1940s and 1950s as a baseline, this study examined changes to the social and family networks of older people over the intervening years, using a questionnaire-based survey of 627 older people, followed up one year later by a series of in-depth interviews with 62 people aged 75 and over. In addition, 35 interviews were undertaken with Indian and Bangladeshi older people in Wolverhampton and Bethnal Green. Findings reported concern the living arrangements of older people and their relationships with network members. There appears to be a marked trend towards solo living or living in married pairs among the white population, and the importance of multigeneration households among the two minority groups is noted. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-981110401 A
ClassmarkDS:SJ: KA:SJ: KA:SJC: P6: BBK: TKK: 3J: 82LR: 82LV: 87A

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