Centre for Policy on Ageing


Prevalence, one-year incidence and factors associated with urinary incontinence
 — a population based study of women 50-74 years of age in primary care
Author(s)Knut Holtedahl, Steinar Hunskaar
Journal titleMaturitas, vol 28, no 3, January 1998
Pagespp 205-212
KeywordsOlder women ; Incontinence ; General practice ; Cross national surveys ; Longitudinal surveys ; Norway.
Annotation698 women (aged 50-74) in a random sample were invited for a gynaecological examination in general practice in three municipalities in Northern Norway in 1994-95. 507 (73%) met for the first consultation, 489 of them for the second one. Results showed that incontinence was associated with high body weight, with poor ability to contract pelvic floor muscles, and with previous gynaecological operations excluding hysterectomy. Urinary incontinence is very frequent in women aged 50-74 years, and about one in five potentially need treatment. Urinary incontinence is an enduring condition with little tendency for remission without treatment. (KJ/RH).
Accession NumberCPA-981110217 A
ClassmarkBD: CTM: L5: 3K: 3J: 76N

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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