Centre for Policy on Ageing


Consumer concerns 1998
 — a consumer view of health services, the report of an RSL survey
Corporate AuthorNational Consumer Council - NCC
PublisherNational Consumer Council, London, 1998
Pages114 pp (PD 59/D/98)
SourceNational Consumer Council, 20 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1HW 0DH.
KeywordsNational Health Service ; Hospital services ; Dental services ; Usage [services] ; Complaints [services] ; Consumer ; Social surveys.
AnnotationThe National Consumer Council (NCC) began its Consumer Concerns series of opinion surveys in 1990, and this survey repeats some questions asked about health services in 1993. This survey was carried out by IPSOS-RSL (formerly Research Services Ltd) using their CAPIBUS service. Views were sought on public health concerns, single sex hospital accommodation, dental services, problems and difficulties when using health services, and comments and complaints. Their findings show that consumer perceptions of NHS services have remained stable, despite changes in the way in which the NHS is organised. Three main areas of concern are highlighted: access to NHS dentistry; problems and inconvenience perceived by patients; and the low level of knowledge about NHS complaints procedures. Concern is also expressed at the widening gap in health service use between higher and lower socio-economic groups. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-981027214 B
ClassmarkL4: LD: L8: QLD: QLV: WY: 3F

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