Centre for Policy on Ageing


Longer-term agreements for health care services: what will they achieve?
 — (The York series on the NHS White Paper - a research agenda)
Author(s)Diane Dawson, Maria Goddard
Corporate AuthorCentre for Health Economics, York Health Economics Consortium, NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York
PublisherUniversity of York, York, 1998
Pages26 pp (Centre for Health Economics Discussion paper, 157)
SourcePublications Centre, Centre for Health Economics, University of York YO10 5DD.
KeywordsNational Health Service ; Contracts ; Long term.
AnnotationGovernment policy announced in the White Paper (The new NHS: modern, dependable; 1998) is to require purchasers and providers in the NHS to move from annual contracting cycles to longer-term contracts (agreements). The Labour Government emphasises longer-term contracting as a means of shifting the focus of purchaser provider relations from price and activity to quality of service and strategic planning. This Discussion paper reports the results of research into the extent and nature of long-term contracting in the NHS. It is based on examination of contracts from a sample of six health authorities and their GP fundholders, supplemented by interviews with individuals from those Health Authorities and Trusts who were involved in the contracting process. The paper considers the extent to which the problems identified in the theoretical literature on duration of contract are likely to be observed in the NHS and the extent to which it is likely a movement to longer-term contracting will achieve the benefits expected. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-981027206 B
ClassmarkL4: 6QH: 4Q

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