Centre for Policy on Ageing


The road ahead for Medicare managed care
 — addressing the needs of the chronically ill
Author(s)Christopher P Tompkins, Stanley S Wallack, Kathleen Carley Skwara
Journal titleThe Journal of Long Term Home Health Care : the PRIDE Institute Journal, vol 17, no 2, Spring 1998
Pagespp 11-20
KeywordsChronic illness ; Needs [elderly] ; Health services ; Management [care] ; Costs [care] ; United States of America.
AnnotationManaged care has been expanding rapidly in the US, leading to changes in the relationships between payers, providers, and the people served. The authors consider the components of managed care and its application to vulnerable populations such as those with chronic illnesses. They review recent trends and issues related to managed care and Medicare, and problems and potential solutions with regard to Medicare risk contracting. They also review managed care techniques that could be applied through other approaches: specialised plans, and non-enrolment options. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-981020228 A
ClassmarkCI: IK: L: QA: QDC: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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