Centre for Policy on Ageing


Estimating demand for renal replacement therapy in Greater London
 — the impact of demographic trends in ethnic minority populations
Author(s)Paul Roderick, Steve Clements, Ian Diamond
Journal titleHealth Trends, vol 30, no 2, 1998
Pagespp 46-50
KeywordsKidney diseases ; Surgery ; Ethnic groups ; Demography ; London.
AnnotationIn the UK, African-Caribbeans and Asians from the Indian Sub-continent have higher rates of end-stage renal failure (ESRF), and hence renal replacement therapy (RRT) than the white population. Using data from a survey of all renal units in London undertaken for the London Implementation Groups Review of Renal Services in 1993 and population projections by ethnic group from the London Research Centre (LRC), it is estimated that demographic change in Greater London will increase demand for RRT by 25-33% over the period 1991-2011. Reduced need for RRT services resulting from a 15% projected fall in London's older population overall will be more than offset by the ageing of these ethnic minority populations in Greater London. Given the shortage of kidneys for transplantation, there will be significant implications for the provision of dialysis facilities particularly in Greater London and other areas of the UK with significant African-Caribbean and Asian populations. The importance of controlling the development and progression of hypertension and type II diabetes mellitus, the main underlying causes of ESRF in these populations is highlighted. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-981020221 A
ClassmarkCOK: LKA: TK: S8: 82L

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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