Centre for Policy on Ageing


Approaching death
 — improving care at the end of life
Author(s)Marilyn J Field, Christine K Cassel
Corporate AuthorCommittee on Care at the End of Life, Division of Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences (United States)
PublisherNational Academy Press, Washington DC, 1997
Pages437 pp
SourceNational Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington DC 20418, USA.
KeywordsDeath ; Dying ; Terminal care ; Management [care] ; Teaching hospitals ; United States of America.
AnnotationThis US Institute of Medicine report is intended to stimulate health professionals and managers, researchers, policymakers, funders of healthcare, and the public at large to develop more constructive perspectives on dying and death, and to improve practices and policies under their control. It presents a profile of death and dying in America. It focuses on caring at the end of life and considers: the health care system and the dying patient; accountability and quality in end-of-life care; and the financial, economic and legal issues. The report considers the education of clinicians and other professionals, to better prepare them for care at the end of life. Strategies for research to improve care at the end of life are also suggested. Seven recommendations are made with regard to: receiving reliable, skilful and supportive care; prevention and relief of pain and other symptoms by health professionals; `whole community' approaches to quality of life, quality of care, finance, and reform of drug laws; changes in education to improve attitudes, knowledge and skills to care well for dying patients; palliative care as a defined area of expertise; strengthening research; and public discussion for a better understanding of death. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-981013214 B
ClassmarkCW: CX: LV: QA: V6: 7T

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