Centre for Policy on Ageing


 — strategies for maintaining good health and extending life
Author(s)James A Golczewski
PublisherMcFarland, Jefferson, NC, 1998
Pages203 pp
SourceMcFarland & Co. Inc., Publishers, Box 611, Jefferson,North Carolina 28640, USA.
KeywordsBiological ageing ; Ageing process ; Good Health ; Diet ; Exercise ; Preventative medicine ; Recipes ; Guides, guide books ; United States of America.
AnnotationWritten primarily for an American audience, this book aims to provide practical information and scientific background on delaying ageing, avoiding disease, and extending life. Included is discussion of the free radical theory of ageing and biological damage due to oxidation. Some of the basic ideas and terminology relevant to ageing and life extension are described, and the nature of evidence discussed: how certain can we be that something will extend or shorten life? The current most promising methods of avoiding disease and extending life and youth, along with factors implicated in shortening life are considered. Diet and nutrition, dietary supplements, exercise, and various lifestyle or behavioural factors are discussed. Recipes and nutrition advice, together with tables on fatty acids, nutritive values of recommended foods, body weight, and foods ranked by fat content, are provided. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-981006209 B
ClassmarkBH: BG: CD: CFD: CEA: LK2: YKB: 69N: 7T

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