Centre for Policy on Ageing


Geriatric programs and departments around the world
Author(s)J P Michel, L Z Rubenstein, B J Vellas
PublisherSerdi; Springer Publishing Co, Paris; New York, NY, 1998
Pages493 pp (Facts, research and intervention in geriatrics)
SourceSerdi Publisher, 320 Rue Saint-Honoré, F75001 Paris, France.
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Health services ; Organisation of care ; Universities ; Research Reviews ; International.
AnnotationThis volume comprises a wide-ranging collection of descriptive and analytic papers on geriatric programmes and systems from many different countries, and is organised into three sections. The 23 papers in Section 1 describe how and where geriatric medicine fits into the overall health care systems of specific countries, as well as descriptions of some geriatric sub-systems and national research initiatives. The second section contains descriptions of nine major academic geriatric and gerontology centres in North America and Europe, and how they fulfil their missions of research, education, and clinical care. The last section contains descriptions of a worldwide sampling of specific clinical geriatric programmes, most of which have been established to deal with specific problems (e.g. dementia, palliative care), or provide geriatric approaches within clinical settings (e.g. emergency departments, home visits). Many of the papers include evaluation data to indicate how effectively programmes are meeting their goals. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-981006206 B
ClassmarkCC: L: P: V5: 3A:6KC: 72

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