Centre for Policy on Ageing


Contribution of home-delivered meals to the dietary intake of the elderly
Author(s)Debbie L MacLellan
Journal titleJournal of Nutrition for the Elderly, vol 16, no 3, 1997
Pagespp 17-32
KeywordsMeals on wheels ; Diet ; Nutrition ; Vitamins ; Cross sectional surveys ; Canada.
AnnotationA cross-sectional survey was conducted of a select sample of home-delivered meals recipients, aged 65 and over, in a small Canadian city. The objectives were to assess dietary adequacy and to determine the nutritional contribution of the consumed portion of the home-delivered meal to the total energy/nutrition intakes of the recipients. Detailed dietary data was collected from 7-day food records and analysed to estimate their content of energy and 17 nutrients. The mean total energy and nutrients intakes met or exceeded the recommended levels for all nutrients except energy, zinc, and vitamin A in males and zinc in females. The nutrients of concern for inadequate intakes were vitamin A, zinc, calcium and magnesium. The mean nutrient contribution of the delivered meals to the total nutrient intakes of all subjects ranged from 31% for folate to 61% for vitamin B12. The findings emphasise the important contribution that home-delivered meals make to the nutrient needs of recipients. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-981002002 A
ClassmarkNS: CFD: CF: CFE: 3KB: 7S

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