Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older adults and the news media: utilization, opinions, and preferred reference terms
Author(s)Paul K Chafetz, Helen Holmes, Kim Lande
Journal titleThe Gerontologist, vol 38, no 4, August 1998
Pagespp 481-489
KeywordsCommunication media ; Newspapers [publications] ; Television [media] ; Attitudes to the old of general public ; Attitude ; United States of America.
AnnotationSeveral aspects of the relationship between older people and the mass media have been researched, however, little is known about the relationship between the various news media and older people. This US study surveyed 868 community-dwelling older people about their use of media news, their opinion of news media coverage of older people, and preferences among terms used by the news media to refer to older people. Results showed that those with more than high school education read more newspaper news than those with less education. All groups watched television news more frequently than they read the newspapers. Respondents had reservations about the news media's accuracy in, attitude toward, and interest in stories regarding older people. Respondents' preferred reference terms were: (nouns) senior citizen, retiree, senior, and older adult; (adjectives) retired, senior, and mature. Respondents disliked: (nouns) old man/woman, old person, oldster, old timer and geezer; (adjectives) old, aged, gray (grey), and geriatric. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-981001408 A
ClassmarkUD: UE:6H: UKL: TOB: DP: 7T

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