Centre for Policy on Ageing


Double discrimination: older black workers and the need for a new deal
 — TUC labour market report
Corporate AuthorTrades Union Congress (TUC)
PublisherTrades Union Congress, [London], 1998
Pages13 pp
SourceTrades Union Congress, Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS.
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Employment of older people ; Unemployment ; Racism ; Trade Unions.
AnnotationIn June 1998, the Government began the second phase of its New Deal programme, targeting older workers (aged over 25). This report looks at the implications for older (age 40 to retirement age) unemployed black people (i.e. of non-white ethnic origin), and suggests proposals for ensuring that the New Deal is effective for their needs. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980929215 P
ClassmarkTK: GC: WH6: TMG: WMA

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