Centre for Policy on Ageing


Birth trends, survival improvements, and aging
Author(s)Kenji Otani
Corporate AuthorNational Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan
Journal titleReview of Social Policy, no 6, 1997
PublisherTokyo, 1997
Pagespp 17-44
KeywordsLife span ; Age groups [elderly] ; Life expectancy tables ; Mathematical models ; Japan.
AnnotationIn an examination of survival rates in Japan, annual numbers of births and age cohort life tables for men and women are applied to four equations, three with respect to changes in age distribution (cohort approach), and one with respect to average age (period approach). This study confirms that cohort survival improvements have largely contributed to changes in the proportion of older people and the average age since the late 1970s. Particularly, the cohort survival effects for over 65s at the time concerned was great. It is expected that the birth effect will increase when the baby-boom cohort swells the aged population in the near future. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980910229 A
ClassmarkBG6: BB: S7: 3LM: 7DT

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