Centre for Policy on Ageing


Making services work for homeless women
 — a report of a conference held on 9 July 1996 at Friends' Meeting House, London
Author(s)Sheila Hamilton, Claire Small
Corporate AuthorHealth Action for Homeless People
PublisherHealth Action for Homeless People, London, 1997
Pages32 pp
SourceHealth Action for Homeless People, The Print House, 18 Ashwin Street, London E8 3DL.
KeywordsOlder women ; Homelessness ; Health [elderly] ; Services ; Health services ; Needs [elderly] ; Housing [elderly] ; Conference proceedings.
AnnotationWhilst much has been written about women and social policy, housing and health, the findings do not appear to have been used for policy or service development aimed at homeless people. The conference organised by Health Action for Homeless People (HAHP) was designed to acknowledge the existence, diversity and specific needs of homeless women, particularly health and social care issues, and the gaps in service provision highlighted. The emphasis of the final part of the programme was on setting standards for good practice. Workshop sessions considered: working practices affecting equity of access to services for homeless women; how planners, managers and practitioners could provide services responding to the needs of a wide range of homeless women; and the internal structures needed to test the quality of service provision for homeless women. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980910224 B
ClassmarkBD: K4A: CC: I: L: IK: KE: 6M

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