Centre for Policy on Ageing


Future vision
 — a discussion paper : proposals for a national framework for the identification, assessment and rehabilitation of visually impaired people
Corporate AuthorRoyal National Institute for the Blind - RNIB
PublisherRNIB, London, 1997
Pages20 pp
SourceRNIB, 224 Great Portland Street, London W1N 6AA.
KeywordsVisual impairment ; Blindness ; Services ; Social Services Departments ; Community care ; Evaluation ; Standards of provision.
AnnotationIt has been evident that local authorities and individuals would benefit from some clear guidance on how social care services for blind and partially sighted people should be arranged, given the wide variability between areas. This document refers to local authorities' obligations in law under the following legislation: the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 (CSDP); the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986; and the NHS and Community Care Act 1990, section 47 1(a). In order for appropriate services to be available to blind and partially sighted people, each local authority needs to have a policy to guide staff on when, how and to whom services should be provided. The discussion paper outlines processes and practices to be followed, starting with a comprehensive assessment of need, and ensuring accessible information. It also comments on training, community care assessment, social rehabilitation services, and quality assurance. Views on this consultation were sought by June 1998. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980910212 B
ClassmarkBR: BS: I: PF: PA: 4C: 583

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