Centre for Policy on Ageing


Personal Social Services expenditure 1997/98 to 1999/00
 — report of the Local Authority Associations
Corporate AuthorAssociation of County Councils; Association of District Councils; Association of Metropolitan Authorities
PublisherAssociation of County Councils (et al), London, 1996
Pagesunnumbered (draft)
SourceLocal Authorities Association, Project Manager, Eaton House, 66a Eaton Square, London SW1W 9BH.
KeywordsSocial Services Departments ; Grant allocation ; Public expenditure.
AnnotationThis report (cover title: Local authority expenditure 1997/98: personal social services England) has been prepared by the local authority side of the Personal Social Services (PSS) Expenditure Strategy Group, a sub-group of the Settlement Working Group. The local authority associations (LAAs) obtained information on various matters affecting expenditure on PSS in 1997/98, in the context of the 1996/97 local authority finance settlement, and with forward indications to the following two financial years. Chapters 3-6 outline new legislative requirements - including community care and the Carers' Act - and their pressures on expenditure. Efficiency savings and increases in income are projected, volume changes and forecasts of current expenditure summarised, and the need for capital resources considered. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980909233 P
ClassmarkPF: QCG: WN8

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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