Centre for Policy on Ageing


The older patient's charter of standards
 — (sixth draft 20.12.95)
Author(s)Sara Lightowlers
Corporate AuthorBritish Geriatrics Society - BGS; Age Concern England - ACE; Royal College of General Practitioners; British Medical Association - BMA
Publisherunpublished, 1995
Pages12 pp
SourceDr S Lightowlers, Senior Registrar in Elderly Medicine, Queen Mary's University Hospital, Roehampton Lane, London SW15.
KeywordsPatients ; Medical care ; Management [care] ; Standards.
AnnotationThe first consultations regarding the content of a Charter were with a pensioners' group in Wandsworth, and the preliminary draft was presented at the first Pensioners Parliament in Blackpool. Various guidelines of good practice for health care in old age have provided information for the Charter. Its aim is to confirm those areas of care which are good, and to set new standards of service which will help the NHS to make further improvements in the service it provides. Throughout, reference is made to "rights" which patients will receive all the time, and "expectations" which the NHS is aiming to achieve. The aim is for the Charter to be a key document in making the case for national standards of service delivery. These standards will only be met when all professionals involved in the care of older people have sufficient education and training. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980909232 P
ClassmarkLF: LK: QA: 6QA *

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