Centre for Policy on Ageing


Intergenerational involvement in HIV/AIDS prevention and care
 — New Delhi, 11-14 March 1997
Corporate AuthorHelpAge International
PublisherHelpAge International, London, 1997
Pages15 pp
SourceHelpAge International, 67-74 Saffron Hill, London EC1N 8QX.
KeywordsAIDS ; Preventative medicine ; Medical care ; Family care ; Asia ; Uganda ; Zimbabwe.
AnnotationThe workshop was organised by HelpAge International, with the support of AIDSCAPE and Stichting HIVOS, following concern that the needs of older people affected by HIV/AIDS are not being met or even recognised. Participants represented 13 Asian countries, and Uganda and Zimbabwe in Africa. This report outlines the key issues, which also reflect participants' perceptions of how HIV/AIDS has affected older people: care; sexuality and transmission of HIV; needs of special groups; programme interventions; policy development; and communicating with older people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980909218 P
ClassmarkCQTT: LK2: LK: P6:SJ: 7C: 7LB: 7NR *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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