Centre for Policy on Ageing


Black and minority ethnic housing associations
 — an evaluation of the Housing Corporation's black and minority ethnic housing association strategy: [summary]
Corporate AuthorHousing Management and Research Division, Housing Corporation
PublisherHousing Corporation, London, 1996
Pages4 pp (HMR research 16)
SourceHousing Corporation, 149 Tottenham Court Road, London W1P 0BN.
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Black people ; Housing Associations ; Housing Corporations ; Social policy ; Evaluation.
AnnotationThe Housing Corporation commissioned the University of Leeds' Race and Public Policy Research Unit to carry out the evaluation, and to provide information for the Corporation's policy review and consultation. Although the Corporation's programme for black and minority ethnic associations was found to be remarkably successful, with few counterparts in other Western countries, evidence was found of continuing deprivation for many black and minority ethnic households. Conclusions are outlined regarding future prospects and policies: the need for continuing commitment and support of black and minority ethnic associations; encouragement of varying roles in tackling housing needs; carrying out an examination of stock transfer; reviewing of revenue support and training of associations; and an urgent review of performance indicators. In addition, mainstream associations should explore more fully the services offered by black and ethnic minority counterparts. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980909217 P
ClassmarkTK: TKE: KKH: KKF: TM2: 4C *

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