Centre for Policy on Ageing


1994 General Household Survey: follow-up survey of the health of people aged 65 and over
 — technical report and preliminary analysis of data from a methodological study carried out for the Department of Health
Author(s)Eileen Goddard
Corporate AuthorSocial Survey Division, Office for National Statistics - ONS; Government Statistical Service - GSS
PublisherOffice for National Statistics, London, 1998
Pages18 pp + tables (Series GHS)
SourceONS, 1 Drummond Gate, Pimlico, London SW1V 2QQ.
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Living patterns ; Social surveys ; Pilot ; Statistics [data] ; Methodology.
AnnotationThis is a report on a pilot study examining various methodological aspects of the feasibility of carrying out a cohort study, or a series of cohort studies, of older people. The key data required were those which would enable transition rates between health states to be estimated, which could also be used for information on related issues such as use of long-term care services. Topics include: health state; eyesight, hearing and mental confusion; mobility and self-care; housework and cooking; informal care; use of personal social services and medical services; and income. Methodological issues are discussed; and some preliminary data, the questionnaire and interviewer instructions are presented. The report concludes that longitudinal studies of older people with two or three years between interviews appear to be feasible. However, reservations are expressed on data quality, the required sample size, suitability of data for modelling future changes in health, and the optimum time interval between surveys. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980909202 B
ClassmarkCC: K7: 3F: 4UC: 6C: 3D

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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