Centre for Policy on Ageing


A sharper focus : inspection of services for adults who are visually impaired or blind
 — summary messages for practitioners and first line managers
Corporate AuthorSocial Care Group, Social Services Inspectorate - SSI, Department of Health - DoH
PublisherDepartment of Health, London, 1998
Pagesunnumbered (CI(98)8)
SourceDH Stores, PO Box 410, Wetherby LS23 7LN. (Other formats on request from: Social Care Group, Department of Health, 133-135 Waterloo Road, London SE1 8UG.)
KeywordsBlindness ; Partial sight ; Services ; Social Services Departments ; Social workers ; Inspection.
AnnotationThis summary highlights the main points in the report, `A sharper focus', which describes and analyses the findings from an inspection of services for adults who are visually impaired or blind provided by eight social services departments (SSDs). It focuses on the report's main messages concerning: social care needs arising from sight loss; systematic and targeted assessment; organising a specialist team; collaboration; co-ordination; monitoring quality of response; effective communication; and commissioning strategy. The inspection found that while some SSDs made significant contributions to improving the quality of life of visually impaired people, other service users were relatively disadvantaged because their local SSD's approach to sight loss was less well focused. This summary is also available in braille, on audio cassette tape, on disc, and in large print. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980908239 B
ClassmarkBS: BSP: I: PF: QR: 3U *

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