Centre for Policy on Ageing


Telematics for the integration of disabled and older people [Telematics applications programme]
 — project summaries
Corporate AuthorDisabled and Elderly Sector, Telematics Applications Programme, European Commission; TIDE - Technological Initiative for the Socioeconomic Integration of the Disabled and Elderly
PublisherTIDE, European Commission, Luxembourg, 1996
Pages113 pp
SourceTIDE Office, DG XIII C-5, Avenue de Beaulieu 29, 1160 Bruxelles, Belgium.
KeywordsInformation technology ; Physical disabilities ; Integration [elderly] ; Computers ; Projects ; Directories ; European Union ; Europe.
AnnotationThis is a synopsis of 32 projects funded under the European Union's Fourth Framework Programme's Telematics Application Programme for the disabled and elderly sector. The Programme's activities in technologies for the integration of disabled and older people was preceded by pilot and bridge phases of TIDE (Technology Initiative for Disabled and Elderly People). In the present phase, a `Design for all' approach aims to encourage the design of products and services to be accessible to a wider population including disabled and older people. Projects are grouped under the following themes: access to technologies and related services; life at home and remote care; mobility and transport; control and manipulation; restoration and enhancement of functions; and market issues and quality of life. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980908232 B
ClassmarkUVB: BN: F:TO: 3O: 3E: 69: WFC: 74

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