Centre for Policy on Ageing


Research and technological development for the integration and independence of disabled and older people
 — final report, Brussels, 20 June 1997
Corporate AuthorStrategic Requirements Board for the Fifth Framework Programme (Disabled and Elderly Sector); Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research, European Commission
PublisherTIDE, European Commission, Luxembourg, 1997
Pages18 pp
SourceTIDE Office, DG XIII C-5, Avenue de Beaulieu 29, 1160 Bruxelles, Belgium.
KeywordsInformation technology ; Physical disabilities ; Integration ; Independence ; European Union ; Europe.
AnnotationThe case is argued for the creation of a specific research action concerning information systems and services for older and disabled people within the context of the information society. Such specific action for the provision of assistive technology is a necessity, in view of developments, challenges and opportunities in four main areas: society, economy, industry and market, and users. The main research objective would be to open up the information society for all citizens. Measures to bring this about include: assistive systems and services; design for all; long term research; and other measures such as disseminating best practice. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980908231 B
ClassmarkUVB: BN: TO: C3: WFC: 74 *

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