Centre for Policy on Ageing


An evaluation of the pilot action of TIDE (Technology initiative for disabled and elderly people)
 — full report 1992-1994
Author(s)Paul Boulinier, Pol Descamps, Jacques Dondoux
Corporate AuthorEvaluation Board and Committee, TIDE - Technological Initiative for Disabled and Elderly People, European Commission
PublisherTIDE, Brussels, September 1994
Pages40 pp
SourceTIDE Office, DG XIII C-5, Avenue de Beaulieu 29, 1160 Bruxelles, Belgium.
KeywordsAssistive technology ; Information technology ; Physical disabilities ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Transport services ; Projects ; Evaluation ; European Union ; Europe.
AnnotationOlder and disabled people are likely to represent more than a quarter of Europe's population by 2020, and likely to present many, specific and acute demands on technologies, products and services. The Technology Initiative for Disabled and Elderly People (TIDE) programme has an important contribution to make to the social and economic well-being and technical development of Europe. This evaluation of TIDE makes recommendations concerning: the size and composition of consortia involved; project management; publicity and dissemination of results; and standardisation. The Evaluation Committee notes that consideration of standards was limited to technical standards, to the exclusion of ethical and human rights. Issues of state, the protection of the person, the security of information, privacy, freedom from control and exploitation, and self-determination must all be dealt with throughout all projects. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980908229 B
ClassmarkM: UVB: BN: F: O: 3E: 4C: WFC: 74 *

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