Centre for Policy on Ageing


Retirement villages
 — residents' housing costs and living circumstances
Author(s)Tony Eardley, Mary-Rose Birch
Corporate AuthorSocial Policy Research Centre - SPRC, University of New South Wales
Journal titleSPRC Reports and Proceedings, no 139, July 1998
Pages110 pp
KeywordsRetirement communities ; Residents [care homes] ; Rented dwellings ; Rents [elderly] ; Housing benefit [Nov 82] ; Social surveys ; Australia.
AnnotationRetirement villages are an increasingly popular form of accommodation for people in the later years of their lives. This study was commissioned by the Australian Department of Social Security in 1996, to examine whether policies on eligibility for Rent Assistance among retirement village residents had kept up with changes in the level and distribution of housing costs. The study is based on questionnaire surveys of managers and residents in a sample of retirement villages. The report discusses the research questions and reviews relevant literature; describes the research methods; gives an overview of data on the size and distribution of the retirement village sector; presents analyses from the resident survey; and considers residents' housing costs and financial circumstances. A brief summary of additional comments made by residents in the survey is followed by key conclusions. These include comments on the numbers of residents living alone (particularly women), ill health, and low incomes. The implications for policy are briefly discussed. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980903216 A
ClassmarkROA: KX: KEE: J4: JH8: 3F: 7YA

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