Centre for Policy on Ageing


`Profiting from previous experience'
 — the results of a survey of employer opinions on their older employees carried out in April 1998 by POPE, People of Previous Experience
Author(s)John Barker, Maureen Bean, Allen Huckle
Corporate AuthorPOPE Recruitment Services
PublisherPOPE Recruitment Services, Bradford, 1998
Pages34 pp
SourcePOPE Recruitment Services, Third Floor, Midland House, 14 Cheapside, Bradford BD1 4JA.
KeywordsEmployment of older people ; Employers ; Attitudes to the old of general public ; Social surveys.
AnnotationPOPE Recruitment Services was launched in 1993 as a result of a bid for special government funds made by Bradford and District TEC to help older unemployed people in the area. There has been significant national and international interest, resulting in other UK projects replicating similar approaches. This report presents the results of POPE's survey on employer opinions of older employees; the response to each question is presented in tabular and chart formats, with comments as appropriate. Half of the companies recognise they could benefit from helping older employees cope with and adapt to change; and most employers report that the older workforce is fulfilling its potential. There is a role for organisations such as POPE to work with employers to support change and adaptation within the older workforce and the issues affecting older workers. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980903004 B
ClassmarkGC: TF: TOB: 3F

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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