Centre for Policy on Ageing


Involving service users - waiting for Godot?
Author(s)Dougie Herd
Corporate AuthorSocial Services Research Group (SSRG)
Journal titleResearch, Policy and Planning, vol 15, no 2, 1997
Pagespp 10-15
KeywordsServices ; Consumer ; Participation ; Management [care] ; Planning [admin] ; East Lothian ; Edinburgh ; Midlothian ; West Lothian.
AnnotationThis paper questions how we involve service users in service planning, management and delivery, and draws on Samuel Beckett's `Waiting for Godot' to help make some points. The author - a disability researcher and consultant offering advice through his business, `Other Voices' - offers his personal experience as a service user involved in joint and strategic planning systems in the former Lothian Region (centred on Edinburgh). People's relationships with the communities where they live can be described in four ways: as citizens; as service users; as service providers; and as consumers. Much depends on one's point of view, and the point being made by the author is that people and organisations need to be open and responsive to ideas which enable typical service users to exert greater influence and control over their own lives and the support services on which they rely. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980828002 A
ClassmarkI: WY: TMB: QA: QA6: 9SC: 9SD: 9SE: 9SF

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