Centre for Policy on Ageing


Guidance to hospital managers and local authority social services departments on the Sex Offenders Act 1997
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DoH
PublisherDepartment of Health, London, 17 August 1997
Pagesunnumbered (Local authority social services letter, LASSL (97)17)
SourceDepartment of Health, PO Box 410, Wetherby, West Yorkshire LS23 7LN.
KeywordsCirculars ; Department of Health [legislation and circulars] ; Local Authority Social Services Letters ; Psychiatric units ; Social Services Departments ; Criminal law.
AnnotationThe Sex Offenders Act 1997, which came into force on 1 September 1997, imposes requirements on sex offenders to notify the police of their name and address and any subsequent changes to these. This is to ensure that information on sex offenders contained on the Police National Computer is fully up to date. Detailed provisions are summarised in Home Office circular HOC 39/1997, which appears as an annex to this LASSL. The Act applies to those who are subject to detention in hospital or guardianship orders under the Mental Health Act 1983 following conviction or cautioning for a relevant offence. The Department of Health (DoH), working with the Home Office, the Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) and others intends to produce joint guidance for all agencies (including police and social services) with an interest in protection of children and other vulnerable people. The NHS Executive has also published this item as Health service guidelines, HSG (97)37. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980826217 C
Classmark6I: VK9: LASSL (97)17: LDL: PF: VX *

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