Centre for Policy on Ageing


The meaning of quality : opinions and perspectives of Abbeyfield residents, staff and volunteers
 — a research paper
Author(s)Leonie Kellaher, Christian Schroeder
Corporate AuthorCESSA - Centre for Environmental and Social Studies in Ageing, University of North London
PublisherAbbeyfield Society, London, 1998
Pages46 pp
SourceThe Abbeyfield Society, Abbeyfield House, 53 Victoria Street, St Albans, Herts AL1 3UW.
KeywordsVery sheltered housing ; Abbeyfield Society [national] ; Quality of life ; Attitude ; Residents [care homes] ; Personnel ; Voluntary workers ; Social surveys ; United Kingdom.
AnnotationAn understanding of older resident's views about quality of life is essential in the maintenance and improvement of services in sheltered housing and residential care homes. In this study, 66 older residents and 33 members of staff in registered and non-registered Abbeyfield houses were interviewed to elicit information to inform the development of quality statements. Participants were invited to give their views on living, working and volunteering in Abbeyfield houses, focusing on six aspects: care/support/security; organisational support; independence/freedom; companionship; home within a home; and status/dignity/respect. Findings showed that, in general, respondents appeared satisfied with life in Abbeyfield, however a number of tensions were identified, including: worries about the future in terms of care and support; information about day-to-day house organisation and management; and independence versus companionship. Complete listings of resident, staff and volunteer comments, categorised under the main six aspects, are included in the appendices. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-980825218 B
ClassmarkKLA:58D: KK4A: F:59: DP: KX: QM: QV: 3F: 8

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