Centre for Policy on Ageing


Health economics of dementia
Author(s)Anders Wimo, Bengt Jönsson, Göran Karlsson, Bengt Winblad
PublisherJohn Wiley, Chichester, 1998
Pages576 pp
SourceJohn Wiley and Sons Ltd., Baffins Lane, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1UD.
KeywordsDementia ; Drugs ; Costs [care] ; Econometrics ; Evaluation ; Methodology.
AnnotationCurrent developments in the health economics of dementia and methodological issues are presented. As more people survive into old age, Alzheimer's disease (AD) has reached epidemic proportions, a trend which will increase, and with a significant effect on health care costs. This book provides an introduction to the disease, its epidemiology and care implications. It discusses challenges of obtaining reliable data, and reviews methodologies and models for obtaining costs and outcome measurements. It examines the development and use of drugs, and the pharmacoeconomics of the disease, including ethical considerations. The editors propose a health economics research agenda for dementia. To date, most of the research is on short-term studies on patients with mild and moderate dementia, mainly focusing on cognitive function, activities of daily living (ADL), and from an economic point of view, the economic effects of institutionalisation. The research field must be broadened, to focus on the social impact and health economics aspects of dementia, to include: outcome measures; the caregiver's situation; course of the disease; drug interventions; comorbidity; and efficacy vs effectiveness of clinical trials. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980825002 B
ClassmarkEA: LLD: QDC: WE: 4C: 3D

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