Centre for Policy on Ageing


On your feet! - Older people and NHS chiropody services
 — a digest of findings and case studies
Author(s)Ann Salvage
Corporate AuthorNational Council on Ageing, Age Concern England - ACE
PublisherAge Concern England, London, 1998
Pages20 pp
SourceAge Concern England, 1268 London Road, London SW16 4ER.
KeywordsChiropody services - general ; Needs [elderly] ; Social surveys ; United Kingdom ; Reports.
AnnotationChiropody is one of the main community services provided to older people by the National Health Service (NHS), and it ranks high among the range of needs perceived by older people themselves, however, studies show that the service is underfunded. A national survey of NHS chiropody services was undertaken by Age Concern to examine the nature and extent of service cutbacks. This report provides a summary of the findings and presents some case studies. Results revealed that patient numbers had increased by up to 126% over the past five years but that budgets had not kept pace with demand, and had been cut in some areas. Recommendations to the Government include the following: to ensure that funding is adequate and to improve chiropody services; to ensure that plans to provide comprehensive chiropody services are implemented; and to highlight examples of good practice to purchasers in order to make them aware of the benefits of chiropody services to older people. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-980818215 B
ClassmarkL9: IK: 3F: 8: 6K

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