Centre for Policy on Ageing


An equivalence scale for time
Author(s)Michael Bittman, Robert E Goodin
Corporate AuthorSocial Policy Research Centre - SPRC, University of New South Wales
Journal titleSPRC Discussion Paper, no 85, 1998
Pages21 pp
KeywordsLiving patterns ; Hours of work ; Remuneration ; Voluntary workers ; Measurement ; International.
AnnotationAn "equivalence scale for time" is proposed, by which information on total working time in both paid and unpaid labour can be derived from information about paid working time and household structure. Different scales are offered for males and females, and an adjustment according to year is also provided. This proposal is based on highly significant and robust Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) analyses of time use surveys involving 99,137 respondents from 28 western countries. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980818202 P
ClassmarkK7: WKD: WL: QV: 3R: 72

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