Centre for Policy on Ageing


The potential for developing good neighbour schemes in Camden
 — a report commissioned by Getting On In Camden, the Vulnerable Older People's Project
Author(s)Lindsay River
Corporate AuthorCamden Age Concern; Getting On In Camden
PublisherCamden Age Concern, London, June 1998
Pages77 pp
SourceCamden Age Concern, The Margaret Hepburn Centre, 11 St Chad's Street, London WC1H 8BG.
KeywordsNeighbourhood care ; Ethnic groups ; Pensioners organisations ; Projects ; Social surveys ; Census ; Camden.
AnnotationThe Tackling Vulnerability Programme was established in Camden in 1994, as a response to concern focused by the isolated death of a pensioner, Mrs Ellen Hutchens. This report is based on the author's work from January 1997 to March 1998 as neighbourhood care development worker for the Vulnerable Older People's Project on research and development work on local contact schemes. The report outlines the benefits, potential difficulties, and necessary conditions for good neighbour schemes. Information is given on schemes already working in Camden, on voluntary and community organisations providing outreach or visiting older people in their homes, and on key local services in the statutory and private sector which are likely to interlink with good neighbour schemes. The specific needs of minority ethnic groups in the borough are summarised. Gaps in service provision are identified by social need, and geographically, by ward, complemented by maps and statistics from the 1991 Census. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980814002 B
ClassmarkPQN: TK: BB6:P4: 3E: 3F: S4C: 82L8

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