Centre for Policy on Ageing


Age-based perceptions of language performance among younger and older adults
Author(s)Ellen Bouchard Ryan, Sheree Kwong See, W Bryan Meneer
Journal titleCommunication Research, vol 19, no 4, August 1992
PublisherSAGE Publications, London, August 1992
Pagespp 423-443
SourceSage Publications Ltd., 6 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4PU.
KeywordsCognitive processes ; Performance ; Young adults [20-25] ; Age groups [elderly] ; Comparison.
AnnotationWhile linguistic knowledge appears to remain stable among healthy individuals in later life, age-related sensory and cognitive changes can limit linguistic performance. In this study, 60 younger adults (mean age 26.4) and 60 older adults (mean age 72.9) completed the Language in Adulthood Questionnaire for themselves, and then in terms of typical adults aged either 25 or 75. As predicted, the younger respondents reported fewer problems with receptive and expressive aspects of conversational language performance than did their older counterparts. In terms of social perceptions, the two groups expected those aged 25 to experience fewer problems with receptive and expressive language than those aged 75. There were two exceptions favouring those aged 75: telling enjoyable stories; and being sincere when talking. To provide perspective for these youth-oriented findings in the language domain, perceptions of conversational differences between adults of 25 and 75 were seen by both respondent groups to be less than age differences in memory and hearing. The study was designed and interpreted within a framework of multiple influences of language performance in later life that emphasises cognitive, situational, and social psychological determinants. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980728219 A
ClassmarkDA: 5H: SD6: BB: 48

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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