Centre for Policy on Ageing


What do social theories of aging offer counselors?
Author(s)Robert C Atchley
Journal titleThe Counseling Psychologist, vol 20, no 2, April 1992
PublisherSAGE Publications, London, April 1992
Pagespp 336-340
SourceSage Publications Ltd., 6 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4PU.
KeywordsAdvisory services [elderly] ; Sociology, Social Science ; Theory.
AnnotationComment on the article by P S Fry in this issue of the Counseling Psychologist criticises his use of discredited social theories. Atchley notes that terms such as disengagement, activity and continuity have not been used in a very careful way in the gerontology literature. The role of counsellors working with older people is to help them find new ways of coping with and adapting to new situations. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980728204 A
ClassmarkIT: S: 4D

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