Centre for Policy on Ageing


Demographic and organizational influences on the development of gerontological social work curriculum
Author(s)JoAnn Damron-Rodriguez, Valentina Villa, Hung-Fu Tseng
Journal titleGerontology & Geriatrics Education, vol 17, no 3, 1997
Pagespp 3-18
KeywordsAgeing process ; Training [welfare work] ; Curricula ; Coordination ; Demography ; Mathematical models ; Social surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationThis research used two US national surveys of schools of social work, to examine relationships between demographic and organisational variables, and the adoption of gerontological curriculum. An innovation diffusion model was used to examine curriculum development at basic and substantial levels. Both levels of curriculum development were related to the number of social work students, and having a gerontology centre on campus. Demographic variables were not related to curriculum outcomes, but were related to numbers of social work students, which affected curriculum development. Course and policy decisions aimed at increasing gerontology education must consider organisational resources, and cannot rely on demographic demands. Schools of social work without such resources may need assistance. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980728004 A
ClassmarkBG: QW: V9C: QAJ: S8: 3LM: 3F: 7T

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