Centre for Policy on Ageing


Gerontological curricula in Canadian Baccalaureate occupational therapy programs
Author(s)Frances E Aiken
Journal titleGerontology & Geriatrics Education, vol 18, no 2, 1997
Pagespp 51-64
KeywordsAgeing process ; Medical workers ; Curricula ; Occupational therapy ; Training [welfare work] ; Canada.
AnnotationHealth professionals currently include large numbers of older adults within their practices, a trend which is likely to continue; and health care students require a range of skills to meet the needs of future clients. Results of a survey of gerontological curricula for occupational therapy training courses in Canada are described, including experience of fieldwork undertaken. Recommendations made for curriculum development are applicable to other health professional courses. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980724001 A
ClassmarkBG: QT: V9C: LOH: QW: 7S

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