Centre for Policy on Ageing


The need for an increased emphasis on health and aging in public health education
Author(s)Steven P Wallace, Jennifer Levin, Valentine Villa
Journal titleGerontology & Geriatrics Education, vol 18, no 4, 1998
Pagespp 45-62
KeywordsHealth [elderly] ; Ageing process ; Public health ; Preventative medicine ; Postgraduate education ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe survey discussed assesses the adequacy of training in public health and ageing in all US accredited schools of public health and university departments offering a Masters in Public Health degree. Results suggest that the current scope and quantity of training is inadequate, except in a few schools of public health. The lack of appropriately trained staff is a problem, particularly for institutions with no health and ageing courses; and there is a relatively small number of public health postgraduate students taking courses in health and ageing. In contrast, there are thousands of public, non-profit and private agencies that could use public health professionals with such education. The modest scope of health and ageing course work and the small number of students in those courses does not come close to meeting the need for knowledgeable public health and gerontology practitioners. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980723003 A
ClassmarkCC: BG: RC: LK2: V7P: 7T

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