Centre for Policy on Ageing


The promise and politics of older adult education
Author(s)Ronald J Manheimer
Journal titleResearch on Aging, vol 20, no 4, July 1998
Pagespp 391-414
KeywordsAdult Education ; Education ; Participation ; Canada ; United States of America ; China.
AnnotationOpportunities for older people the world over to participate in formal and informal educational programmes have increased during the past 30 years. At the forefront of innovations in programmes for older learners are those that invite members to share in teaching, governance, curriculum development, and future planning. This article traces how a variety of new programmes have developed, reviews previous steps to expand and diversify older adult education, particularly in the United States (US) and Canada; looks at levels of participation, learner objectives, institutional responses and objectives; and questions the underlying ideological commitments of government, ageing organisations, post-secondary educational institutions, and private sector groups to meet the needs and wants of people of retirement age. It also takes a brief look at universities for older people in China to illustrate how ideology shapes the course of education. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-980721407 A
ClassmarkGP: V: TMB: 7S: 7T: 7DC

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