Centre for Policy on Ageing


Women, work and the tax transfer system
 — an annotated bibliography
Author(s)Diana Encel
Corporate AuthorSocial Policy Research Centre - SPRC, University of New South Wales
Journal titleSPRC Research Resource, no 14, 1998
PublisherSocial Policy Research Centre, NSW, Sydney, NSW, 1998
Pages125 pp
SourceSPRC, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, 2052, Australia.
KeywordsWomen ; Older women ; Employment ; Taxation ; Social security benefits ; Pensions ; Bibliographies ; Australia.
AnnotationWomen's labour force participation rates have increased during the last quarter of this century. At the same time, the bases for provision of social security payments to women and the treatment of women in the taxation system have also undergone changes. This bibliography draws together strands of change, and looks at research and comment on a number of factors affecting them. It covers works published in Australia or about the Australian situation in the period since 1975. Of particular interest will be references on the retirement status of women who may not have been able, because of their dependent status, to accumulate savings or superannuation for their own retirement years. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980721226 B
ClassmarkSH: BD: WJ: WS: JH: JJ: 63: 7YA

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