Centre for Policy on Ageing


Could it happen to you? Elder abuse and neglect: causes and prevention
Corporate AuthorAge Concern New Zealand
PublisherAge Concern NZ, Wellington, 1998
Pagesvideocassette (40 minute running time) and 12 pp booklet
SourceAge Concern New Zealand, PO Box 10688, Wellington, NZ. (Email: ageconnz@actrix.gen.nz)
KeywordsElder abuse ; Neglect [care] ; Teaching aids ; New Zealand.
AnnotationThis video portrays situations of elder abuse and neglect in the family. It is focused on three generations of one family - grandparents, adult son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. The family is shown in different situations which illustrate how mistreatment and neglect can occur. Comments from a wide range of people are included, highlighting key factors about elder abuse and neglect, and provides insights about how these situations could have been avoided. The accompanying booklet provides viewing guidelines for both general audiences (individuals, groups and organisations wishing to learn about the subject) and training audiences (people who work with older people and their families). It also includes guidelines for preventing elder abuse and neglect. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-980721215 V
ClassmarkQNT: QNR: VF: 7YN

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