Centre for Policy on Ageing


Language, context, and elderly rights
 — linguistic ageism in a Filipino home for the aged
Author(s)Rene D Somera
Journal titleBOLD, vol 8, no 1, November 1997
PublisherInternational Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), November 1997
Pagespp 16-25
KeywordsEthnic groups ; Rights [elderly] ; Care homes ; Ageism ; Philippines.
AnnotationExamples of conversations are examined to assess the discriminatory power of Tagalog linguistic categories in promoting an ideology which encourages ageism. Data is from a larger ethnographic study on the interactions between ageing and culture in the social life of a Filipino residential care home. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980709220 A
ClassmarkTK: IKR: KW: B:TOB: 7XK

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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