Centre for Policy on Ageing


Mammography screening for older minority women
Author(s)Janet R Buelow, Anna H Zimmer, M Joanna Mellor
Journal titleJournal of Applied Gerontology, vol 17, no 2, June 1998
Pagespp 133-149
KeywordsOlder women ; Cancer ; Screening ; Ethnic groups ; Black people ; Education ; United States of America.
AnnotationWomen aged 65 years and over have the highest risk of developing breast cancer, yet, mammography rates are lower among older women. In addition to age differences, mammography rates are lower among women from ethnic minorities. This US project aimed to facilitate access to mammography screening for older ethnic minority women through health education and coordination of service networks for ageing and health care services. Health education sessions were held in senior centres, followed by a mammography screening in a mammography van or at a health care facility. Of the participants in the education sessions, 38% received a mammogram. More women who did not obtain a mammogram believed that cancer treatments were worse than the disease. In addition, more African American and white women compared to Hispanic women did not recognise age as a risk factor for cancer. More Hispanic women believed that early diagnosis did not make a difference in one's outcome, than did white and African American women. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-980703401 A
ClassmarkBD: CK: 3V: TK: TKE: V: 7T

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