Centre for Policy on Ageing


PSSRU survey of residential and nursing home care
Author(s)Robin Darton
Corporate AuthorPersonal Social Services Research Unit - PSSRU, University of Kent
Journal titleMental Health Research Review, no 5, May 1998
Pagespp 26-30
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; Admission ; Mental disorder ; Longitudinal surveys ; Cross sectional surveys.
AnnotationIn autumn 1995, the PSSRU (Personal Social Services Research Unit) began a study funded by the Department of Health (DoH) of residential and nursing home care. The study comprises a longitudinal survey of 2500 older people admitted to residential and nursing home care in autumn 1995, with follow-ups at 6, 18, 30 and 42 months; and a cross-sectional survey of 618 homes conducted in autumn 1996. Individuals admitted to nursing beds were substantially more physically dependent, and, to a lesser extent, more cognitively impaired than those admitted to residential beds. The follow-up to the longitudinal survey indicated that deaths during the first six months in residential or nursing home care were associated with levels of physical dependency. Comparisons between the cross-sectional survey and previous similar surveys indicate that levels of physical dependency and cognitive impairment are increasing. However, as only 8% of homes in 1997 catered specifically for the mentally impaired, many older people with such impairments will have to rely on non-specialist homes for some time to come. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-980702009 A
ClassmarkKW: LHB: QKH: E: 3J: 3KB

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